I met him on the first day of my life,
He's never been further than by my side.
I've never ever known a better dad.

I know I'm made of you, that's why I have,
The joy inside my skin, that love of life.
There's not much more one ever needs to have.

The way I see the world is through your eyes,
I think I've always known, now realize
That you're really lucky, if you got a great Dad.

He always lives his life...
I'll tell you how.
He uses his joy to fill the others,
Always makes them smile

He's not worried bout the wind,
He's not worried bout the sun,
He's not bothered by the storms
'Cause they're gonna move along.

A life like yours has never seemed too hard.
You see all that life gave you so far,
And everything you've done you can be proud.

You found your one true love,
You had her found,
At 26 years old, she won your heart,
Now it's been 45 years. 
And I swear, you haven't let her down.
I see it in her eyes just under the frown
I see it in her mind,
She's always loved the one
Who doesn't worry bout the wind,
He's not worried bout the sun,
He's not bothered by the storms,
'Cause they're gonna move along.
They're gonna move along.

He tells me: 
Keep the light on in your life
And laugh like it's allowed,
It makes a happy sound.
And when they try to knock him down,
He can't hear them or forgives them
A prison or his freedom.
There is no more you can tell him
If they didn't kill him then,
They can't get  him now.
I want to thank you more than just one song,
I want to tell you it's not an accident.
That the love you gave us was just as pure as all
Who say they love their child,
Their ptit's enfants.
And nothing in the world should do them harm,
If we could tell them all.
If we could show them how.
That love would prove them wrong,
If they could sing your song.
If they could sing your song.